Agrisciences and Agrobusiness

The Agrisciences and Agrobusiness team represents Brazilian and multinational clients in all related segments: food, beverages, supplies, seeds, pesticides and fertilizers, animal health, products of animal and plant origin, and biotechnology.

The area has a team specialized in advisory services and litigation (judicial and administrative), and contractual and business matters, covering services oriented to the client’s specific business with an emphasis on the following activities:

  • Legal opinions and advices on regulatory matters, considering the vast scenario of rules applied to the regulated activities of the sector and to its products;
  • Strategic administrative litigation before public agencies (defenses, appeals, administrative reviews, responses to notifications or demands, etc.);
  • Strategic civil litigation (writs of mandamus, judicial reorganizations and bankruptcies, credit recovery, and all other judicial measures comprised in the strategic litigation of the agribusiness sector);
  • Judicial and administrative measures involving falsification and/or adulteration of products;
  • Legal measures involving discussions about fair competition in obtaining registrations/registrations of products, or in approval to place new products on the market;
  • Development or review of industry-specific Compliance Programs (including, for example, programs on relationships with government agencies);
  • Drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts related to the sector (such as agro-industrial contracts, land tenure and property contracts, leasing and partnership contracts, commercial purchase and sale contracts, among others);
  • Advice on commercial operations, partnerships and joint ventures;
  • Corporate consultancy and reorganization of agribusiness companies;
  • Structuring and implementing succession and estate planning for agribusiness owners and families;
  • Matters involving Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs);
  • Civil litigation related to damages potentially caused by products or inherent risk; and
  • Recalls and administrative/litigation matters involving consumer protection issues.


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